Size as a foraging strategy

We discovered that superdiffusive migration in Physarum results from size-dependent self-avoidance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 121 (13), e2312611121 (2024)
We discovered that superdiffusive migration in Physarum results from size-dependent self-avoidance. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 121 (13), e2312611121 (2024)
Our review explores the physical aspects of this fascinating unicellular, from cell and fluid mechanics to network properties and behavior. Annu. Rev. Condens. Matter Phys. 2024. 15:263–89
A colossal piece on vein dynamics in #Physarum. Veins spontaneously shrink or grow to increase nutrient spread. But since Physarum has no brain, how does it know which veins to shrink? eLife 12:e78100.
Cool documentary showing our labs. “Schlaue Tiere – verblüffte Forscher”, The trailer can be found here. Thanks to @AdrianBuchl!
We discovered how pore space geometry impacts transport of substances through fluids. #PorousMedia #IonBatteries #BloodVessels #BiologicalNetworks Nat Commun 13, 5885 (2022)