Lucas Tröger studied physics at the LMU Munich, where he received his bachelor’s and master’s degree in 2017 and 2020, respectively. His undergraduate studies focused on theoretical physics with a particular interest in Astrophysics. His bachelor’s thesis, supervised by Prof. Dr. Harald Lesch, aimed to understand how turbulence can give rise to large-scale magnetic fields in the interstellar medium. In his graduate studies, Lucas’ attention shifted to Solid State Physics and its application to renewable energies before he discovered his inclination for Statistical and Biological Physics. Lucas’ graduate research on chromosome organization, supervised by Prof. Dr. Chase Broedersz, led to a statistical-physics model for the spatial organization of the E. coli chromosome within the cell and beyond, a model for the replication of this chromosome.
He joined the BPM group at TUM in 2020 to study the relationship between fluid flows and morphology in Physarum polycephalum, especially concerning its chemotactic performance.
Technische Universität München
Ernst-Otto-Fischer-Str. 8, EG.034
85748 Garching b. München
Phone: +49 89 289 14612