Felix Meigel was a physics undergraduate at the University of Göttingen, researching for his bachelor’s and his master’s thesis in the BPM group under Dr. Karen Alim.
After his bachelor’s project, he continued being a part of the group as an intern and wrapped up his bachelor’s project for publication. Felix analyzed absorption patterns in plants’ xylem vascular networks in his bachelor’s project, employing analytic and numeric approaches. He further translated these results to animal vasculature. In his master’s project, Felix focused on describing the spread of particles in porous media. Using an analytic approach, he aimed to combine hydrodynamic descriptions with a statistical mean field theory.
During his studies, Felix completed an internship at the Department for Network Dynamics at the MPIDS, analyzing complex call structures of pilot whales using signal processing. During the spring of 2017, Felix paused his studies and completed a six-month internship in the group of Prof. Laan at the Delft Technical University (NL). During this internship, he performed growth measurements on budding yeast cultures gaining experimental experience in a biology laboratory. Felix is now a Ph.D. student with Steffen Ruhlands at the Max Planck Institute for Physics of Complex Systems.
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems
Nöthnitzer Str. 38
01187 Dresden
Phone: +49 (0) 351 8712209