Mathieu Le Verge-Serandour obtained his bachelor’s in Fundamental Physics from University Paris Diderot in 2016, with a bachelor’s thesis on the development of a scintillator payload for electron and highly charged particles of the ionosphere in the nano-satellite IGOSat project, under the supervision of Philippe Laurent.
He then enrolled in the International Master for the Physics of Complex Systems, with a first year shared between Trieste (ICTP and SISSA) and Torino (Politecnico di Torino) and a second year in Paris (University Paris Diderot and UPMC). He graduated in 2018 with a Magistère of Fundamental Physics and Msc. in Physics of Complex Systems at University Paris Diderot.
His master’s thesis dealt with the theoretical study of semi-flexible polymers and the in-silico microrheology of actin networks under the supervision of Dr. Hervé Turlier, in CIRB, Collège de France, Paris. Mathieu obtained his Ph.D. from PSL University in 2021. He studied the physical mechanisms underlying the formation of biological cavities, in particular the formation of the blastocoel, the first fluid-filled cavity of the embryo at the blastocyst stage of mammalian development, under the supervision of Dr. Olivier Rivoire and Dr. Hervé Turlier, CIRB, College de France.

He joined the group of Prof. Dr. Karen Alim in 2022 to work on the physical principles of memory encoding in Physarum polycephalum with an experimental approach.


Technische Universität München
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85748 Garching b. München
Phone: +49 89 289 14612